Check out how to make designer earrings at home by using paper.
Materials required for making designer earrings at home
- Half pearls in two sizes
- Pearl Beads
- Small gold colour beads
- Pearl Chain
- Stone Chain
- Ball Chain
- Eye pins
- Head pins
- Stud bases with stopper
- Canvas Sheet
- Glue
- Tools like cutter and plier
- Gold colour paint
Method of doing:
First take canvas sheet and cut into a rectangle. Apply gold paint on it and allow it to dry. Apply glue on it and paste a big size half pearl at the center. Apply required amount of glue around it to paste ball chain around the half cut pearl. Now cut the extra part around the ball chain but leave some part on one side.
Take a head pin. Put a small colour gold bead and a pearl bead in it t make it as a hanging by curving it. Pearl hangings in round shape are also available readily in our online shop. Attach an eye pin into the pearl hanging. Cut the extra long part of the eye pin. With the help of a medium size button draw a circle on a square white paper and cut the circle with the help of a blade. Now you will have two square pieces with open round circle at the center.

Apply gold paint on one of the square pieces. Apply glue around the circle and paste pearl chain.Attach stone chain around the pearl chain. Now fix half pearl beads around the stone chain. Cut the extra sheet using blade. Also cut another paper in the same design by putting the paper under it.
Pierce the stud to the previously prepared stud and cut the extra part as shown in the video. Attach the stud to one end of the prepared circle ring by placing it between designer stud and white paper. on the opposite stud of stud place the pearl hanging which was made previously. Now apply required amount of glue all over the back of designer stud and put the white paper on it to fix stud and hanging fixed tightly. Apply gold paint on the outer side of the white paper and now your designer earrings are ready.