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How to make easy crystal beads earrings, Jewellery holder and more
Check out how to make popsicle sticks jewellery holder, crystal beads earrings, wire wrapped crystal earrings and crystal bead earrings in this post with detailed description.
DIY: popsicle Sticks Jewellery Holder

It would be a lie if one said they don’t have several boxes full of jewellery lying around their house. It would be a bigger lie if they said they don’t wish to buy more. But, buying a pair of earring every other week sure isn’t easy on our wallets. So, why not make life that bit more easier by making a few special earrings for yourself? Here is a simple tutorial for you to make pretty crystal earrings yourself!
DIY Crystal bead earrings
Check out the materials required to make crystal bead earrings:
- Copper wire
- Beads
- Plier
- Scissor
- Hook
Preparation method to make crystal bead earrings:
1. Take a copper wire.
2. Insert three beads into the wire. (If you wish to, you can add more beads.)
3. Join both the ends of the wire and twist them together.
4. Create a loop using one of the wire ends.
5. Insert a hook through the loop.
6. Cut off the excess wire and twist the remaining wire tightly to hold it in place.
7. Voila! Your pair of crystal beads earrings is ready to be worn!
DIY Wire wrapped Crystal earrings
Check out the materials required to make wrapped Crystal earrings
- Plain rings
- Wire
- Crystal beads
Preparation method to make wrapped Crystal earrings
1. Take a plain ring.
2. Start wrapping the wire around the ring.
3. After a few loops, insert a bead through the wire.
4. Loop twice more before inserting the next bead, this time on the other side.
5. Repeat this, inserting each bead in alternate sides.
6. After every three beads, push the beads together so they are clustered together as shown in the video.
7. At the end, twist the wire a few times to hold it in place and cut off the excess wire.
8. Repeat the same on another ring to create a pair.
9. Voila! Your pair of wire wrapped crystal earrings is ready to be worn!
DIY Crystal bead earrings
Check out the materials required to make crystal bead earrings:
- Wire
- Hooks
- Crystal beads
- Round nose Plier
- Nose Plier
- Cutting Plier
Preparation method to make crystal bead earrings:
1. Take a piece of wire.
2. Insert a crystal bead in it.
3. Bend the wire, forming a loop.
4. Holding on to the wires using a nose plier, and using another nose plier, twist one end of the wire around the other.
5. Using a cutting plier, cut off the excess of the twisted wire.
6. Using a round nose plier, carefully bend the other end of the wire downwards and cut off the excess as shown.
7. Insert a hook inside the wire and using the plier, tighten the wire, forming a small circular loop.
8. Make another one of the same shape and size.
9. Voila! Your pair of crystal beads earrings is ready to be worn!